RUDY GAY (6-8 230, 31-years-old)
Season Stats : 47-31-77 shooting (0.6 treys) for 11.5 pts, 5.1 rebs, 0.8 stls and 0.7 blks in 21.6 mins
Rudy Gay is 31-years-old with 12 years experience. The ultimate veteran. And he proved this season that even after a torn Achilles he has plenty left in the tank.
I’ve seen one remark about him pointing out that his 11.5 points per game this season were his lowest average since his rookie season. To that I retort: he came off the bench almost all year and played the least amount of minutes per game since he was a rookie as well. He was on a crowded Spurs front court.
If you take his averages from 2017-18 and look at his per-36 minute figures you will see a line of 19.2 points, 8.5 rebounds, 1.3 steals and 1.2 blocks per game. I’ll take that any day.
He can play both forward spots and is okay with starting or coming off the bench. He’d be a solid stretch-four next to Ayton or a sixth man off the bench. Phoenix could really use him and should chase him strong this summer.
Next: Five Phoenix Suns goals for free agency
That’s it for my five power forwards the Phoenix Suns should look at in free agency. I feel any of them would be a big addition to the team. Any one you would like to add?