8 reasons the Phoenix Suns are a completely different team than last year

Phoenix Suns (Photo by Barry Gossage/NBAE via Getty Images)
Phoenix Suns (Photo by Barry Gossage/NBAE via Getty Images) /
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Phoenix Suns (Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images)
Phoenix Suns (Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images) /

1. Players looked like they had fun

Whether it was Frank Kaminsky holding up three-goggles, Booker joking on the bench about Mikal Bridge’s jump ball technique, or the Kelly Oubre-led pregame mosh, this team looks like they are genuinely enjoying each other’s company.

Even small stuff like every player aggressively rushing to help up a teammate on the ground shows great chemistry.

Usually when pundits talk about team chemistry, they are referring to knowing how to play well together on the court, but like any family that actually gets along, it is so much more than that.

They have to be able to make fun of each other, celebrate with each other, and be happy for each other’s success.

The latter was evident with Booker’s excitement from the bench when his teammates were scoring, while he only 13 himself at the time.

The Suns break every huddle with, “1-2-3 Family!” and it shows.

Kelly Oubre is the Suns' tape of love. dark. Next

When the players have fun, that joy ekes into the stands and through the TV screens to the fans.

If the rest of the season is anything like game one, then get excited, Suns fans. It is going to be a memorable year.