Over the last decade the Phoenix Suns have done their fair share of losing in each new set of uniforms. So you can’t fault them for trying something new. However this latest jersey does not hit the mark.
It is said that if you look good you play good. If that is the case the Phoenix Suns must have looked pretty bad over the past few years and are desperate to make a change.
The past few weeks the Suns social media team has been hyping up the release of a new jersey for the upcoming season centered around the color orange. This past Friday they made the release official with this video, showcasing the new jersey.
With no disrespect to any of the past four teams that failed to win 25 games, this jersey reveal might edge them out as the biggest Suns-related letdown over the time.
Obviously that might be a little extreme, but the jersey design did come as a letdown given the anticipation they had built up for it. The purpose of the new jersey is to bring back part of the “Sunburst” jersey without fully copying it. In the end they created an entire sun with no burst around it.
Aside from the purple trimming along the side and small stripes along the side the entire jersey is a bright orange, and right in the middle of the shirt is the yellow and orange sunburst logo. It is hard to make a logo as strong as that one look out of place, but putting it in the middle of an ocean of the same color on the logo is the best way to do so.
The better choice for the jersey would have been to replace the logo on the front with more white-lettered writing. The back of the jersey with the name in white letters looks great as it is, so putting Phoenix, Suns, or even PHX, on the front of the jersey would make it much more balanced and stand out more.
The Phoenix Suns will only wear the jersey’s eight times this season, so if you are like me, and are not a huge fan of the uniforms, they will not show up very often. Hopefully the new look Phoenix Suns on the court can make the uniforms look better with improved play, because everything always looks better with winning.