Ranking every Phoenix Suns uniform ever
By Adam Maynes
23. The “City” Edition Los Suns
I’m sorry, but what the hell were they thinking with these uni’s?
Don’t get me started on why a “City” edition uniform is a “Los Suns” uni – a discussion we had once on Valley of the Suns Live! soon after their release, but the design just has myriad of problems that don’t seem to have been fleshed out at all before their release.
For starters, they are a different shade of purple than their actual purple color. In fact, they are two different shades of purple as the front is actually a different (and darker) shade than the back. Many fans have pointed out that they look like an odd All-Star uniform, while others have stated that they look too much like a WNBA uniform. Regardless, the appearance is not generally associated with an NBA team.
Then, the fact that there is so little actually dividing up the colors between the tops and the bottoms, or even the sides, the uniforms almost give off the appearance of a crayon wrapper, with the name “Los Suns” as the shade of the color itself.
The back of the top then also has a constellation, that of the “Phoenix.” The constellation is comprised of seven dots with thin lines that connect the dots helping to better associate the shape with the mythological Phoenix which the team’s home city is of course names after.
If while reading this you ask, “Oh wow. I didn’t know there was a constellation names ‘Phoenix’. I wonder where it is?” that is because the constellation is a minor constellation, one that is not one of the major more famous constellations in the sky, and it is also unseen in the northern hemisphere, which is of course where Phoenix, Arizona, and the United States all reside.
While I would probably rank that as the worst feature of the uniform, I do have to point out one more thing that thankfully my generally positive eyes did not see and needed to be shown to by a fan: That is that for the first time, the words “Los Suns” are actually side by side, unlike the prior three incarnations that had the word Los stacked on top of the word Suns, being that they are now side-by-side, the two S’s appear awfully close to one another creating the word “LOSS,” a ridiculous oversight especially when considering that the franchise had been doing a lot of that over the past few years.