6. Association White
They have worn it for less than an entire season, but I sincerely feel like these are one of the greatest uniforms the Phoenix Suns have ever used. More importantly, they are the second best home uniforms in their history, and like the 90’s era uni’s, finally look good with the name SUNS across the chest.
I have never really been a fan of a team wearing their city/state on a road uni and the nickname on the home because I have always felt that (especially in the modern age of technology), the idea of the antiquated notion that the opponent’s fans on the road don’t know where the team is from is silly.
Yet at the same time, if a jersey set can pull that off, and having a road jersey with a long city name like Phoenix looks just as nice as the home jersey with the short nickname Suns, then what is there to complain about?
In the case of the new Nike uni’s, not only does the both the home and away look equally as good regardless of if it says PHOENIX or SUNS on the chest, but the home really looks great.
These uniforms sincerely pull off the franchise colors in the best way too.
The purple and orange finally pop again and the absence of black is striking. Not to mention, the stripes down the side are just enough of an extra touch of color to bring the whole look together.
This home uniform has sky-rocketed itself immediately to near the top of the list of best Suns uniforms ever, and fans will be excited to finally watch their beloved franchise look really good on the court once again.