10. Dick Van Arsdale White uni from 2013 #NewLookSuns Party
I have looked for another use of this uniform (believe me, I have searched far and wide) but have never seen a picture of the uni that Dick Van Arsdale is wearing in this picture in an actual game. But, if Van Arsdale wore it on a catwalk, then it must have been a thing at some point, and boy does it look cool.
While the team wore orange as the inner color of the PHOENIX and number font for the first 24 years, seeing it in purple adds a dynamic that is both interesting and unique. Granted it makes the jersey look a little top heavy heavy, especially with the sleeve and neck hole trim in only purple, this one is still an awesome look that I would love the Suns to bring back on some level in the near future.
Not seen in this photo are three pinstripes down either side of the uniform, in orange, purple, and orange (which you can clearly see here in photo number 9). No other uniform has ever had pinstripes so this one definitely sits as an outlier.
This was a look that was obviously not regularly seen and as such, with it being special from that perspective, it earns a top-ten position on the list.