18. Nash-era White
This generation of jerseys are plagued with many similar problems. Granted there isn’t any grey on the home uni’s which does help the look out a lot, the lack of the belt, the thick solid color bars down the sides, and the odd oval behind the chest number, all just make these uniforms look awkward. They are , for lack of a better term, just safe. There is nothing memorable nor special about them, and outside of those fans whose formative years were during the Nash-era and the nostalgia of this is because it is the first uniform they know, it is hard to imagine any other fans really ever looking back on these and believing them to be anywhere near the top of this list.
Granted, the Kidd era uniforms do look somewhat better than the incarnation ended up because it was originally made of an entirely difference fabric (which you will see a comparison of in the purple uni), in the end though, the overall look is poor and makes the entire set deserved of the mid to back-end of this list.