2. Angel Delgado (6-9 245) from Seton Hall
Season Stats : 50-61 shooting splits for 13.6 pts, 11.8 rebs, 2.8 asts, 0.7 blks and 2.3 fls
He is labeled as a center, but really could end up playing both front court positions.
Angel Delgado is a strong finisher, decent low post scorer, excellent rebounder, good defender and also a good play maker for a big man.
Delgado is a good athlete with great strength inside. Yes, he needs to improve his face up game and low post moves but there is no denying his rebounding and offensive production. He had eight games with 18 plus points, 7 games with 15 plus rebounds, 11 games with 4 plus assists and four games with 3+ blocks.
His floor is an effective role player and backup big in the NBA. However, he doesn’t know the word quit and when he goes out onto the court he will leave everything out there and give it absolutely all he’s got.
If you want the Phoenix Suns to draft a big man late with a terrific motor, you don’t need to look any further.
To get the best idea of his potential, look at the Seton Hall vs Kansas game in the second round of the tourney. He did everything short of collapsing on the court to try to get his team the win and they almost pulled off the upset. He made 10 of 17 shots (59%) scoring 24 points along with 23 rebounds, 5 assists and 1 block.
Watching that game you wanted Seton Hall to win so bad just for him and you felt the disappointment and hurt when they lost at the end. He deserved that W.
A player like that is welcome on my team any time and I’d be glad to see him in Phoenix. His ceiling is Al Horford without the 3-point shot. That’s pretty solid.