The Phoenix Suns have the number one pick. But does that mean they should keep it? What about if they kept it, and asked Sacramento for their #2 pick as well?

After 51 years of getting stiffed in the NBA draft, the basketball gods have finally decided to grace the Phoenix Suns with a beautiful no-lose decision in June’s draft.
These same gods have also bestowed a gift upon the NBA as whole by giving the Sacramento Kings the second overall pick. Even though the Kings have done a good job surrounding General Manager Vlade Divac with semi-reasonable basketball people, he’s still the greatest wildcard in leadership anywhere in the NBA. He’s the Kevin Towers of hoops.
Lest we forget, the Suns General Manager Ryan McDonough and Divac have a trade already. Not to mention, McDonough seems to have a way with people. He seems to be the kind of guy who is able to convince people to do what he wants.
Do you have one of those guys in your fantasy basketball league? You know the guy, he offers you a trade that on paper seems like the steal of all steals for himself but then somehow manages to talk you into accepting it? (Oh wait, you’re that guy??)
Anyway, I hope the first thing Suns General Manager Ryan McDonough did after his classic prayer of thanks is to walk over to Vlade and play “let’s make a deal.” If ever there was a time for the Suns to push in their chips and make a future changing deal, this is the time and Kings are the team with whom to make an offer.
There are lots of ways that a trade between the two teams prior to the draft could be mutually beneficial. Here are a few crazy ideas: