Jared Dudley
2017-18 Stats:
3.2 PPG, 2.0 RPG, 1.6 APG, 36.3% 3FG
Outlook: Probably.
Jared Dudley was not brought to this team to contribute statistically. He was brought in to be a mentor to the countless young players in Phoenix. And that is exactly what he has done and hopefully will continue to do. Jared is the consummate professional on and off the court. Every team needs a player or two like that on their team, and Jared is more than willing to fill that role here.
Yes he makes $10 million a year, but the Suns are not in a position where his contract will affect their ability to once again not attract free agents this summer. The only reason Dudley isn’t on this roster next year is if he’s part of a trade for a top pick or a star. My bet would be that he is a Phoenix Sun in 2018-19.