4. Coaching
Coaching is the difference between a 60 win team, and a 60 loss team. A coach who can effectively develop game plans and have the support of his players, is beyond valuable. Earl Watson is the man for player morale. He is close with every Suns player and is respected by everyone on the team. However, his inability to change the game plan during a game and be tough enough on his players that is holding coach Watson back.
Too Soft?
Very few coaches in the association have the respect from their players that Earl Watson has. While chemistry is important, it is also important that a coach be tough on players in order to get the best performance possible. When coaches are not tough on players, they become lax and most do not preform to their potential because they are not pushed. With the talent in the league as high as it is, it is most important to have your players playing at 100 percent.
The Fix
Coach Watson must learn to be tough on his players if he wants them to succeed. Over aggressiveness is unnecessary but even a small push during training camp will help correct and set the tone for the whole season. After all, the players will take the attitude of the coaches, thus a too laid back and over lovey coach can be detrimental to a teams aggressiveness.