Every franchise has a list of good/bad trades. The Phoenix Suns have made well over 100 in their history, most of which did not shake the meter much when the results of the trade were in. Some were extremely good and worked very well in their favor. Others were terrible.

After scouring the total list of all trades the franchise has ever made, this is the culmination of all the work, effort, and research put into such a broad and contentions subject. Often the Suns have come out on top of trades many times in their history fleecing their trade partner, at times immediately putting themselves in contention to win a Championship.
Obviously on occasion, the Suns have been the team that ended up being fleeced themselves. From Phoenix’s perspective some trades are only realized to be bad in hindsight. While others, however, are deemed a mistake almost immediately after the trade is announced. Those trades that were panned before the announcement was even deemed official are the ones who most likely made the list of the worst trades in franchise history. These were trades that even from the beginning seemed regrettable, but by the end were roundly disapproved of.
Whether or not the trade was lop-sided against Phoenix immediately or not realized until later, this is a list of the top-10th worst trades in Phoenix Suns history.