We Have The Best Fans In the Country!
I know this is a pipe dream. We have a long way to go as a team. But, you fans out there know as well as I do that we have the chance to become the type of team that a mogul like Drake would want to support: a team that is winning games. The Phoenix Suns may gain a lot of bandwagoners when we rise from the ashes, but none of them are Drake. So, I implore you, all fans of this up and coming basketball team, to reach out to Drizzy! We need YOU to tell him how much Suns Nation wants his fandom!
The Suns could become a trendy team in the West in a few short years. If Kentucky continues to be the college basketball powerhouse that they are now, and we keep our connection to the school alive, we’ll all be wearing “Drake Night” shirts soon enough. That is, if he doesn’t jump off the UK bandwagon. Our next option could be… Ashley Judd?