3. Single best quote you heard at media day?
Bourguet: Markieff Morris wanting to be here is the obvious winner, but I’ll go with Ryan McDonough, expressing approximately zero remorse for this summer’s rift between Phoenix and Keef: “Are we going to stop chasing elite players and trying to win a championship? No. We’re not going to stop that and I don’t apologize for that.”
Schall: It should probably be something Markieff Morris mumbled, but it has to be this:
Great quote, but Tyson missed a great chance to make my career, by telling me about how Mark Cuban called him from the set of Shark Tank babbling through tears about how Chandler deserves to retire a Maverick and that despite the “rumors” Cuban always wanted him back.
Close second was Sonny Weems talking about himself in third person and quipping that he never did on a Fisher-Price rim what he did to the poor cylinder at the Annexus Practice Facility.
Harris: My favorite quote was Markieff Morris saying, “I want to be here.”
Tauscher: My favorite quote was Markieff Morris saying, “I want to be here.” Sure you do, Keef.
Chasen: “I want to be here.” — Markieff Morris.
Next: No. 4