1. What’s the one question you want to ask Markieff Morris at media day and why?
Gerald Bouguet (@GeraldBourguet): I want to know if it would’ve made a difference if the Suns had called him and let him know about the Marcus Morris trade ahead of time. Obviously the trade was bound to upset Keef in and of itself, but would he still be this pissed off if the front office had just given him a courtesy call? Was it that sign of disrespect that has him demanding a trade, or was it simply for F.O.E. reasons?
Gavin Schall (@GavinSchall): I want to ask him what his biggest issue with the Suns actually is. The presumption has been that it was the team not giving him a heads up about his twin being traded, which, while not necessarily a common NBA practice, is something a person could reasonably be upset over.
That being said, I’m of the opinion it goes beyond that. We’ve seen a pattern of players calling out the organization for communication issues and while Keef is an easy target and obviously hasn’t handled the situation in the most mature way possible, there might be more to his side of the story than the general public is aware of.
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Scott Chasen (@SChasenKU): Honestly, there isn’t one in particular. And to be frank, I really don’t care all that much about the trade-sage story, from an interview perspective. Something will eventually happen, regardless of what everyone says, so I’d rather someone ask Markieff Morris about the team and its chances of making the playoffs.
Ask about the season and how certain pieces fit. I’ll read that stuff before I read another story about what Markieff Morris is saying about the Suns and why THIS TIME it changes things.
Spencer Hann (@spencer_hann): Personally, I don’t believe there will be a chance to ask many questions. Markieff has shown his urges to act out and state his opinion/hurt feelings unprompted throughout this offseason, and I expect much of the same of media day.
Troy Tauscher (@tt_sports): Is “Will you just shut up, get over it, and play?” appropriate? Seriously though, I think I’d ask him if the Suns ever tried to, I don’t know, apologize or something. The reason is because that could really swing my opinion of the situation.
If the team never approached him or said anything to try to make amends, I think they should. If they did do that and Morris just rejected their overtures, then it’s really all on him to get over those issues. It would just be nice to get more context on the situation.
Next: No. 2